Simple Registration from
Sample code:
Check the fields(Name,Birthday,Sex,Country) are not empty
and E-mail address is same
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim b As Boolean
b = True
If Text1.Text = "" Then
b = False
Text1.ForeColor = &HFF&
End If
If Val(Combo1.Text) < 32 And Val(Combo1.Text) > 0 Then
b = False
Combo1.ForeColor = &HFF&
End If
If Combo2.Text = "" Then
b = False
Combo2.ForeColor = &HFF&
End If
If Val(Combo3.Text) < 1950 Or Val(Combo3.Text) > 2013 Then
b = False
Combo3.ForeColor = &HFF&
End If
If Combo4.Text = "" Then
b = False
Combo4.ForeColor = &HFF&
End If
If Combo5.Text = "Male" Or Combo5.Text = "Female" Then
b = False
Combo5.ForeColor = &HFF&
End If
If b And Text2.Text = Text3.Text Then
diagole = MsgBox("Registration Complete", vbOKOnly, "Sucess")
If b Then
diagole = MsgBox("miss maching E-mail", vbRetryCancel, "error")
diagole = MsgBox("Incomplete application", vbRetryCancel, "error")
End If
End If
End Sub
Cancel button- end
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Set Day (0~1) and Year(2013~1913)
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 31
Combo1.AddItem (Str(i))
Next i
i = 2013
While i > 1913
Combo3.AddItem (Str(i))
i = i - 1
End Sub
Full Code :
Full code(Registration.doc)
Full project(Registration.vbp,.frm)
*Note Full project require Visual Basic 6.0